Unidentified Locations (2nd Series)

This image above has long intriqued us. The original Archive slide, possibly taken from an original negative in 1927, has been damaged along the skyline, but we can still recognise the scene...a temporary village. Dragan Velichkovski from Kriva Palanka, Macedonia, contacted us in January 2020 to say he recognises the site. Yes, the picture is indeed very interesting. It's connected with two others in the Archive. It is a Vlach "Summer Temporary Village". The Vlach population in the Balkans were nomadic [See Refs 9 & 10, in our Bibliography & References page]. Their economy was based on keeping sheep. So during the summer times they were settled on the mountains. Osogovo Mountain in our case and Kalin Kamen Village Macedonia. Dragan Velichkovski tells us there is nothing left from these houses now. They were abandoned during the Socialistic period. We are very grateful for this information, and if anyone can show us an image of the scene as it is now, we will post the image and give them a full credit. Note added August 2020. There is just the possibility this is the same hillside scene as that shown below, listed as Galicnik in Montenegro.Galicnik is now a well known village in Mavrovo National Park. Galicnik can be reached by car from the village of Mavrovo.

In this extraordinary pair of images above, we see, on the left, our expedition attempting the traverse of a mountain scarp, by car! One can only assume that this section of the road had run out, location unknown, or had been recently destroyed. To the right we see local labourers attempting a cutting, or possibly a foot path, under a rocky overhang. We believe these images were recorded in 1927, somewhere in Macedonia. Archive Image file refs: 03-43 & 03-15.