Unidentified Locations (1st Series)
This Page in Progress.
There are a considerable number of images locations in the archive we have been unable to identify, due to their remoteness and lack of any comparable material. The purpose here is to show these with what little we do know about them, and then invite anyone with information or suggestions to contact us. The unidentified images fall into two broad groups: 1st Series: "Cities, Villages & People", and: 2nd Series: "Mountains & Landscapes". All identifications will be gratefully acknowledged. So, if you think you have a suggestion, please contact us direct at: books@sanctuarybookshop.co.uk. Thank You.

Our First Reader Success! Ivana Mihajlovski of Yipsilanti USA has identified the left hand image above as her village of Vratnica on the very northern border of Macedonia, (altitude 750 meters), as recorded by our photographer the Rev H. P. Thompson. The villagers on the right of the image are gathered around our plant hunting group's car, which must have been a rare sight in 1937. Well done! Can anyone now identify the right hand image? There is just the possibility this shows a Customs House at a nearby Macedonian border crossing. Could this be Jazince - the border crossing point with Kosovo.
Archive Image file ref nos: 02-31 & 03-55.

Above left we see people at a well or spring in central Vratnica in 1937. Above right we see the same scene in Vratnica now! The fascinating thing about this view is that we are told that the small hut in the top right was the town Post Office! The large white building on the left, Vratnica Town Hall. Notice that this building, now in the left background remains largely unchanged (notice the portico over the front door). Perceptive readers will also notice that the grass is growing green just where the water spring or water well was! Image Credit: Ivana Mihajlovski. imihajlovski@kalittaair.com. Archive Image file ref: 02-31.

Can anyone recognise either of these two locations above? Archive Image file refs: 03-48 and 03-61. Note added June 5th 2020 We are delighted to report that Mehmed Buykli, from Breznitsa in the Pirin Mountains, has contacted us via Bulgarian author Kapka Kassabova. He is a hobby historian and archivist of Pomak Life in Pirin. He writes:
“This looks like Pirin. The site of the mountain hut on the right looks like the site where today stands Chalet ‘Vihren’, above Bansko.
The defile shown on the left looks like the brook that flows from the Muratovo Lake above. The brook then joins Banderitsa River which joins Glazne River. The latter passed through the town of Bansko."

Left Image: A village square: Berber[ska] radnja (barber shop) Abdulham? Bedin[??]ica, Krcma (inn) Turiet Slavko Petrovic (not Bulgaria) – Possibly: Tetovo Gorna. Caršija? Archive Image file ref: 03-01 Right Image: A street scene in the same village (as film numbers are sequential): Stolarska radnja – carpenter’s workshop [T]rpko Gavrovic on the left, Curcinska radnja - leather workshop Andra Djorcevic on the right (not Bulgaria) Archive Image file ref: 03-02.

These could possibly be in Bulgaria (Bansko..?). But where? Archive Image file ref nos : 02-95 & 01-58.

Above left: Possibly the current location of Sibalicev Kamp. Zabljak. Pitomine. Montenegro? YouTube Credit: Ivan Drobnjak. Archive Image ref nos: 01-05 & 01-7.

Above: Left & Right. Same occasion. Same location. But where? One possibility is Ohrid Macedonia? Archive File ref nos: 01-24 & 01-30

Here above we have a military gathering somewhere in a wooded area by a lake. One uniform is recogniseable as Montenegran. There are references in the expedition's written up reports and articles from remote areas, to a constant threat, and the need for protection, from across border raids by Albanian Bandits. Could this be related to our images? N.B. The soldier facing the camera in the right hand image appears to be wearing the WW1 Montenegran uniform of a Corporal of the Reserve. Archive Image file refs: 01-20 & 01-25.

We would very much like to know where this image above was taken. Skopje? Monastir/Bijolj? Archive Image file ref no: 03-12.

And finally, can anyone recognise this Church or Monastry interior? Archive File ref no: 01-01.